
AremasteredversionforMicrosoftWindows,NintendoSwitch,PlayStation4,andXboxOne,developedbySaberInteractiveandpublishedbyMadDogGames,was ...,Uniquegameplay-experienceuniqueGhosthunting,wranglingandTrappingwithupgradeableweaponsinwidelydestructibleenvironments.Testtheteam'smettle ...,ThebelovedandcriticallyacclaimedGhostbustersvideogameisback!straponyourProtonPackonceagainandjointheGhostbustersont...


A remastered version for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, developed by Saber Interactive and published by Mad Dog Games, was ...

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered

Unique gameplay - experience unique Ghost hunting, wrangling and Trapping with upgradeable weapons in widely destructible environments. Test the team's mettle ...

Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered (Xbox One)

The beloved and critically acclaimed Ghostbusters video game is back! strap on your Proton Pack once again and join the Ghostbusters on the adventure with ...


This is a fun, multiplayer game perfect for all skill levels. Four proton pack wielding Ghostbusters attempt to catch a Ghost haunting unique locations in ...


Authentic Ghostbusters Experience - The game features the voices and in-game likenesses of Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson in an ...

Buy Ghostbusters

Authentic Ghostbusters Experience - The game features the voices and in-game likenesses of Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson in an ...


遊戲的外觀和感覺將為粉絲提供身臨其境的遊戲體驗,讓他們實現抓鬼的幻想。無論是狩獵還是鬧鬼,這款遊戲都很容易上手,掌握起來也很有樂趣! 這一款非對稱的捉迷藏遊戲。